- 4 Stories

1) Derfor vil folk bli kjendiser (By NTB, posted by 24 August 2006
In this article from the New York Times in the USA (picked up and changed by NTB) and posted on, NTB writes that the Canadian University of British Columbia is in the USA. NTB writes: "Men det har sin pris: Kjente mennesker får gjerne et økt fokus på seg selv. Mark Schaller, som er psykolog og ansatt ved universitetet i British Columbia i USA". This is a mistake, the University of British Columbia is actually located in the province of British Columbia in the country of Canada, and not in the USA. NTB has taken the liberty to place the university in the wrong country. Even though the original New York Times article does not mention the University of British Columbia is in the USA, NTB has either guessed or assumed it is in the USA. The New York Times writes: "Public recognition can bring a heightened focus on the self. Mark Schaller, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia, studied the careers of Kurt Cobain, Cole Porter and John Cheever." Why would NTB add that into the story when the original story did not state it? Filmweb and NTB has been notified of the mistake and the very next day Filmweb corrected the story. Filmweb writes: "I've now corrected it in our article. Thank you very much for informing us! Kind regards, Kamilla Eriksen Webconsultant". To date, A reply has still not been received from NTB.
2) Taking Lives - Filmweb (By Filmweb) April 2004
In this story Filmweb writes "Montreal i Frankrike." This is wrong. The Canadian city of Montreal is in Canada, not in France. It is true the Canadian city of Montreal is the world's second largest French speaking city, but it is located in the province of Quebec in Canada, not in France. In addition, the review states: "Språk: Amerikansk". This is wrong. "American" is the nationality of the people in the USA, not a language. The movie's spoken language is English, as there is no such language called "American."
3) Westernfilmen rir igjen (DAG SØDTHOLT) 2008
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes: "– unntaksvis ørlite grann inn på 1900-tallet – og den finner sted i det vestlige USA, Canada eller Mexico. I USA går gjerne grensen ved Mississippi-elven (”the fastest gun west of Mississippi”)." What western films is this journalist talking about from Canada? The concept of the “American Western” Hollywood film did not happen in Canada. The American "Western" as a film or as a classic film is not based on the Canadian way of life, and has never been part of Canada's culture. Why in this story is the "American Western" identified as possibly taking place in Canada? Canada is north of the Unites States, and did not have the same western concepts, myths, heroes, stories, and settlement system as the USA. In fact, the Canadian West was for the most part peacefully settled by the Canadian Government and the Northwest Mounted Police (today's Royal Canadian Mounted Police / GRC) long before most settlers arrived to fill up the Canadian West. This American movie concept of the "wild west shoot out" or "bad cowboy versus the law" (what Norwegians think of an American Western) never took place in Canadian West. The Canadian Prime Minister and the Government of Canada witnessing the lawlessness of the American West, did not want the same events to occur in the settling of the Canadian West, thus law and order was established in the Canadian west before mass settlement was allowed to take place in the Canadian West. For further reference; "The Canadian West: An Archival Odyssey through the Records of the Department of the Interior by Terry Cook": “Having thus ensured federal control over [Canada's] western resources, [Canadian Prime Minister] Macdonald soon created three powerful instruments to open the [Western Canadian] prairies. The first was the Dominion Lands Act of 1872, which established the provisions for granting free homestead land based on quarter sections [in order to settle the land by new immigrants to Canada]. At a stroke, this created the topographic character of the entire West -- the patch-work quilt landscape so evident when flying over the region -- and allowed for a rational approach to surveying, subdividing and settling the prairies [organised peaceful settlement]. The second was the North-West Mounted Police [today's RCMP/GRC], founded in 1873 to guarantee the peaceful, orderly settlement of the Canadian West -- unlike the contemporary gunslinger images of its American counterpart. And the third was the Department of the Interior, created in 1873. The eventual mandate of the department was to explore the western region; remove the natives from the open plains; settle outstanding grievances with the Métis; survey and subdivide the area; establish land reserves for natives, schools, the Hudson's Bay Company, railways, towns and swamp lands; grant or sell millions of acres of homestead lands; encourage immigration; lease lands for timber, grazing, mining and water rights; create the national park system; protect wildlife; and administer and conduct scientific research on a whole range of natural resources. At one time or another over its sixty-three-year existence, Interior had, in addition to its central administrative core, more than twenty-five distinct branches and agencies under its umbrella, from Dominion Lands to Tourism, without counting the several units that administered the Canadian North." A large part of the problem in Norway is the fact many Norwegian just assume or apply the USA's history of their West to be the same for Canada. Considering we are talking about two different countries, how can the history each countries west be the same? The quote above should give an outline of the difference. It is truly sad many Norwegians seem to think Canada's history is the same as the USA's.
4) Solid amerikansk åpning for Star Trek (By N/A) 11 May 2009
In this story writes "Star Trek hadde årets nest beste åpningshelg i USA med et billettsalg på 76,5 millioner dollar." This is not correct. The 76.5 millioner is the total for its North America release and is the theatre totals for Canada and the USA. The total includes ticket sales in Canada in Canadian theatres, and ticket sales in American theatres in the USA. The total is for North America, except Mexico. To be correct it should say: "Star Trek hadde årets nest beste åpningshelg i Nord-Amerika med et billettsalg på 76,5 millioner dollar (USD)." The story title should say: "Solid nord-amerikansk åpning for Star Trek."


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