- 6 Stories

1) Mobile filmskapere (By Silje Gomnæs) 16 September 2005
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes: "To fremmede kvinners kjærlighetserklæringer er blant to av mobilfilmene som vises på filmfestivalen i Toronto i USA." The Canadian city of Toronto (4.5 million population) is located in Canada, not in the USA. Toronto, is the capital city of the Canadian province of Ontario. Within hours of e-mailing this journalist an very polite apology was made and a prompt correction to the story.
2) Symbian ruler markedet (By Silje Gomnæs) 16 February 2007 this story the Norwegian journalist writes about the Canadian company Research in Motion (RIM) the inventor and manufacturer of Blackberry. The journalist states: "På tredjeplass følger amerikanske RIM, som lager Blackberry-enhetene, med 7 prosent." Research in Motion is a Canadian company headquartered in Waterloo, in the province of Ontario, in Canada" as it states on RIM's website, not American. Unfortunately, and sadly this Canadian success story has been more often identified as being American, than Canadian by many in the Norwegian media. This would be like Canadian journalists writing the Norway's King Harald V is Swedish and comes from Sweden; or writing Statoil is a German company and comes from Germany. It seems many Norwegian journalist think this Canadian company and product is an American invention, and an American company; that is not correct. It comes from Canada, and exported to the USA market, just as Canada has now exported it to Norway. After e-mailing the Norwegian journalist the story was corrected.
3) Nokia utfordrer Blackberry (Silje Gomnæs) 12 October 2005 this story the Norwegian journalist incorrectly identifies the Canadian invented Blackberry as American. He writes: "Blant de nye modellene i E-serien finner vi E61, en ny smarttelefon som med sitt utvalg av funksjoner og trådløs teknologi burde anses som en aldri så liten trussel mot de amerikanske Blackberry-enhetene." Blackberry was invented by Canadians, is Canadian technology, is a Canadian company and is headquartered in the Canadian city of Waterloo, in the Canadian province of Ontario, in Canada. Why does Blackberry so often get incorrectly identified as being American in the Norwegian press? Guessing? Assumptions? Why do so many Norwegian journalists not check their facts before the print, or do they think everything on this side of the Atlantic Ocean is from the USA? Mexicans and Canadians share the continent of North America with the USA, and they also invented and manufacture successful products, not just the Americans. After e-mail this journalist several times the story has never been corrected.
4) Blackberry kommer til Norge (By KLAUS BØRRINGBO) 16 October 2006 story is an excellent example of how Canada is overlooked in the Norwegian press. In this story the Norwegian journalist writes: "Blackberry har lenge ledet an i en rekke av de store internasjonale markedene. Ved å levere sikker e-post-teknologi til mobil har Balckberry sikret seg 5,5 millioner brukere i USA, Sør-Amerika, Asia og Europa." What about Canada? Considering the story is about how Canadian Blackberry is coming to Norway, there is no mention of Blackberry being Canadian. Considering the product is from Canada, invented in Canada, Canadian technology, an was available first in Canada; Blackberry's homeland is not even mentioned. Of the 5.5 million users mentioned by the journalist, Canada is included in that total. Canada is left out, despite the product being from Canada. It is no wonder most Norwegian know very little about Canada, even when there is the odd Canadian success story in Norway, it's often not mentioned as Canadian. For sure if Blackberry was Australian, British, or American, its origin would be mentioned.
5) Er du epost-junkie?
6) Flykter fra Blackberry etter epost-kaos


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