- 7 Stopries

1) Al-Qaida-celle tvunget ut av Ontario (ANB-AP) 23 May 2002
In this story ANB states: "En sovende al-Qaida-celle skal nylig ha blitt tvunget ut av delstaten Ontario i Canada." Ontario is a province in Canada, not a state. To be correct it should say: "...av provinsen Ontario i Canada". The story also states: "Ifølge ministeren i delstaten" - should be "Ifølge ministeren i provinsen" to be correct. It also states: "Politiet i delstaten" - it should be "Politiet i provinsen." Canada does not have states and has been using the French system of provinces for 344 years since 1663 when Canada became a Royal Province of France. The Norwegian word for province is "provins". It seems many in the Norwegian press have no problem to properly identify the provinces of China, Afghanistan, Sri-Lanka as provinces in stories relating to these countries (and others with provinces), but Canada internal political divisions seem to be confusing to many Norwegian journalists. Mexico and the USA are the only two countries in North America with states, Canada uses provinces. It is easy to understand why Norwegians could be missinformed about Canada, when so many regular errors seem to happen in the Norwegian media. None of the 11th of September terrorists entered the United States from Canada. This is misinformation from the Unites States government about Canada. The Canadian government has been clear about this from the beginning. It would have been fair to Canada if at least the Canadian perspective of the Americans' claims regarding terrorists in Canada was also part of this story.
Backgrounder:Canada's Actions Against Terrorism Since September 11:The Government of Canada acted swiftly in response to the September 11 attacks (in the USA) and to the global threat of terrorism.Within 45 minutes of the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C. (USA), Canada began accepting 224 diverted planes and more than 33 000 passengers and aircrew in airports across the country. In small communities like Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador, 12 000 people were accommodated, although the local population is only 10 000. (Canadian) Prime Minister Jean Chrétien established the Ad Hoc Cabinet Committee on Public Security and Anti-Terrorism, chaired by John Manley, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, to review policies, legislation, regulations and programs across the Government to strengthen all aspects of Canada's approach to fighting terrorism and ensuring public security.The Government of Canada quickly implemented its Anti-Terrorism Plan, with five clear objectives:to prevent terrorists from getting into Canada;to protect Canadians from terrorist acts;to bring forward tools to identify, prosecute, convict and punish terrorists;to keep the Canada-U.S. border secure and open to legitimate trade; and to work with the international community to bring terrorists to justice and address the root causes of terrorism. (Source: Government of Canada)
2) Kvinner uinteresserte i nakne menn (By NTB) 15 June 2008
In this story, NTB writes: "New York (ANB-NTB):Kvinner har ingen interesse av å se på nakne menn, sier den amerikanske forskeren Meredith Chivers." This is wrong. Meredith Chivers is a Canadian researcher, not an American. She lives and works in Kingston, in the province of Ontario in Canada, not in the USA. To be correct, this story should say: "New York (ANB-NTB): Kvinner har ingen interesse av å se på nakne menn, sier den kanadiske forskeren Meredith Chivers." The U.S. story about this Canadian researcher does not state she is American, this has been added in by NTB.
3) Surfe-nisse tatt av politiet (By ANB) 23 December 2002
In this story on ANB writes "John Fulton fra den kanadiske byen Ontario, sier at for ham er det en tradisjon å iføre seg en julenissedrakt og legge ut på en vindsurfingtur på Niagaraelven." Ontario is a province in Canada, not a city, as ANB writes. Ontario is Canada's most populous province with 13 million people and is 1,076,395 km2 in size.
4) Ytterligere tre døde av sars i Kina
(By ANB) 8 April 2003
This story is an excellent example of how many in the Norwegian press seem to think Canada has states, but knows other countries have provinces, and can't seem to correctly identify the correct political divisions in Canada. For example, ANB writes: "Ytterligere tre personer er bekreftet døde av den mystiske lungesykdommen sars i den hardt rammede Guangdong-provinsen sør i Kina." And further in the story writes: "De lokale helsemyndighetene frykter at minst 188 mennesker er smittet av sars i Ontario. Det er i så fall det største utbruddet utenfor Asia. Også i delstatene British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Prince Edward Island og New Brunswick har folk blitt syke." Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick are all provinces in Canada, just like China, not states. To be correct this should say: "De lokale helsemyndighetene frykter at minst 188 mennesker er smittet av sars i Ontario. Det er i så fall det største utbruddet utenfor Asia. Også i provisene British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Prince Edward Island og New Brunswick har folk blitt syke." Canada has been using the system of provinces from France since for over 340 years since 1663, when Canada became a Royal Province of France. Mexico and the USA are the only two countries in North America with states.
5) Nytt sars-dødsfall i Canada (By ANB) 30 June 2003
In tthis story ANB writes: "Så langt har 39 personer i delstaten Ontario mistet livet av sykdommen." Ontario is a province in Canada, not a state. Canada does not have states, it has provinces, and has been using provinces since 1663 when Canada became a Royal Province of France. Mexico and the USA are the only two countries in North America with states.
6) Voldsomme branner i Canada (By ANB posted on
"Så langt har 10.000 mennesker måttet evakuere hjemmene sine. Søndag ba British Colombia om at den føderale hjelpen må skynde seg." The name of the Canadian province is spelt wrong.
7) Pettersen ett slag under par ( By ANB) 10 July 2004
This story ANB writes is an excellent example of some of the wrong country, and the laziness of Norwegian press towards Canada, In the story ANB writes: "Oslo (ANB): Etter en mislykket førsterunde av en LPGA-turnering i USA gikk Suzann Pettersen fredagens runde på ett slag under par....Pettersen var av de svakeste under torsdagens runde av turneringen i Ontario med 76 slag, fire over banens par." Ontario is a province 1,076,395 km2 in size, and is not located in the USA, it is located in the country of Canada. This part of the LPGA tour, which has over 33 events is in Canada, not in the USA or Great Britain, and is the BMO Canadian Women's Open with over $1.3 million dollars in prize money. It's amazing the largest Canadian women's annual golf event held in Canada is written in ANB as taking place in a foreign country. This would be like a Canadian journalist writing about a Norwegian ski event being held at say Holmenkollen in Norwway, as being held in Germany or Sweden. "Welcome to the 2004 BMO Financial Group Canadian Women's Open. The world's best women professional golfers will gather July 5-11 at the beautiful Legends on the Niagara in Niagara Falls, Ontario for the only Canadian stop on the LPGA Tour. Annika Sorenstam captured the inaugural championship in 2001, followed by Meg Mallon's dramatic come-from-behind victory in 2002." To be correct and to mention the correct country, ANB should have written: "Oslo (ANB):Etter en mislykket førsterunde av en LPGA-turnering i Canada gikk Suzann Pettersen fredagens runde på ett slag under par...Pettersen var av de svakeste under torsdagens runde av turneringen i Ontario med 76 slag, fire over banens par. Oslo-kvinnen har vært svært ujevn i spillet, men fredag var det bedring å spore.
"Oslo (ANB): Etter en mislykket førsterunde av en LPGA-turnering i Nord-Amerika gikk Suzann Pettersen fredagens runde på ett slag under par. Pettersen var av de svakeste under torsdagens runde av turneringen i Ontario i Canada med 76 slag, fire over banens par. Oslo-kvinnen har vært svært ujevn i spillet, men fredag var det bedring å spore.


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