Lokalavisen Frogner - 1 Story
Fra ghettoen til Gimle (By Erik Tangen) 15 April 2009
In this story the journalist writes: "Hun kom frem til at "shoefiti", som det kalles, stammet fra USA og Canada, som så mange andre storbyfenomener." This is not correct. The name and the custom of "shoefiti" does not come from the country of Canada. The origins of this custom is not Canadian, but countries like Norway, Canada, Australia, and several others practice it. But to say it comes from Canada is not correct. For some strange reason, Canada is just added into this USA custom as though we have something to do with the USA in this story. What other large phenomena from large Canadian cities is this journalist referring to?? This is an excellent example of how some many Norwegian journalists just add Canada into USA stories, as though Canada is somehow part of, or connected to events in the USA. This would be like Norway constantly added into stories about habits, trends, or customs of Sweden or Germany, that have nothing to do with Norway. Canada is the neighbour to the USA, not part of it, and what happens in the USA, doesn't mean the same things happen in Canada.
In this story the journalist writes: "Hun kom frem til at "shoefiti", som det kalles, stammet fra USA og Canada, som så mange andre storbyfenomener." This is not correct. The name and the custom of "shoefiti" does not come from the country of Canada. The origins of this custom is not Canadian, but countries like Norway, Canada, Australia, and several others practice it. But to say it comes from Canada is not correct. For some strange reason, Canada is just added into this USA custom as though we have something to do with the USA in this story. What other large phenomena from large Canadian cities is this journalist referring to?? This is an excellent example of how some many Norwegian journalists just add Canada into USA stories, as though Canada is somehow part of, or connected to events in the USA. This would be like Norway constantly added into stories about habits, trends, or customs of Sweden or Germany, that have nothing to do with Norway. Canada is the neighbour to the USA, not part of it, and what happens in the USA, doesn't mean the same things happen in Canada.