Fosna-folket - 2 Stories

1) På rundtur i USA og Canada (By Per og Bjørn) 26 September 2007
In this travel letter by Per and Bjørn they mention their travels going to Canada. In their letter they write "staten Alberta" and "British Colombia." Alberta is a province in Canada, not a state. Canada does not have "states". Mexico and the USA are the only two countries in North America with states. As well, the province of British Columbia is spelt "Columbia", not "Colombia as stated in their letter. An e-mail was sent to Fosna-folket, but no reply nor a correction was received.
2) Lise Olden klar for Seattle (By Skjalg Ledang) 9 December 2008
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes: "Med seg på den amerikanske miniturneen får Lise Olden de tre musikerne Ann Helen Stamnsve (fiolin), Roger Gilton (keyboard) og Rune Melvær (gitar). Nå jobber Lise med å skaffe flere spillejobber når de først tar turen over Atlanteren og det amerikanske kontinentet. Seattle ligger helt nordvest i USA, med bare et par timers kjøretur til Canada og storbyen Vancouver." If she comes to Canada, then of course she would be performing for the Canadian public, or a Canadian audience. If Canada is included on the tour then she would be doing a North American tour as it involves more than just the USA. If she is touring just the USA then she on an American tour. If she is touring just Canada then of course it is a Canadian tour. The continent of North America is one continent called North America", it is not the American continent as the journalist writes. If she came to Canada and performed in front of a Canadian audience, and said for example: "I am happy to be here to perform in front of an American audience," she would be insulting the Canadians in the audience. Canada is inhabited by Canadians, not by Americans. After e-mailing the journalist the mistake has not been corrected.


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