Dagens Næringsliv (DN.no) - 7 Stories

1) Fjernet Stalin-vin fra hyllene (Tom Marthinsen ) 14 February 2005
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes about the Canadian province of Manitoba, in Canada, as "delstaten Manitoba." State? Canada doesn't have states. This is a mistake. The geographic and political divisions internally in Canada are called provinces and have been called provinces in Canada since 1663 when Canada became a Royal Province of France. Canada, like France, China, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and many other countries in the world has provinces. There have never been states in Canada and this of course is an term Norwegians just blindly assumed or guessed and apply to Canadian provinces. The original story does not call Manitoba a state, this has been added in by the journalist. It's strange so many Norwegian journalists never seem to refer to the provinces in China, Afghanistan (and other countries with provinces) as states, but this habit seems to happen very often with just Canada for some reason? After sending e-mails to the journalist that made the mistake but to date (over a year later) the story has not been corrected, nor a single response from the journalist or DN.
2) Europas største marked
(By Kenneth Lund) 24 May 2006
In this story the Norwegian journalist wries the USA's Mall of America is the largest shopping centre in North America. Largest? That is not correct. He writes: "Mall of America, Nord-Amerikas største kjøpesenter." This is a mistake. The Canadian shopping centre - The West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton, in the province of Alberta, in Canada is the largest shopping centre in Canada, and in North America. It was built in 1981 and has always been the largest since then. Why would a Norwegian journalist write that the Mall of America in the USA (built in 1992) is the largest in North America, when the Canadian West Edmonton Mall built in Canada in 1981 in the largest? Did he guess or just assume?
3) Øker oljeskatt mindre enn ventet (By Anne Lindeberg) 26 October 2007
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes: "oljesandutviklingsprosjekter forkastet i den kanadiske delstaten." Canadian state? There are no states in Canada. This is a mistake. Alberta is a province in Canada, not a state. Canada does not have states, and has never had states. Canada has been using the French system of provinces since Canada became a Royal Province of France in 1663. After e-mail the journalist the mistake was promptly corrected. And to give her credit, she at least reported the currency in the story as Canadian, which many Norwegian journalists often do not.
4) Næringsnøytral (By Sofie Mathiassen) 12 May 2006
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes: "Alberta laget et fond i 1976 som skulle spare for fremtiden, styrke og diversifisere delstatens økonomi og bedre innbyggernes livskvalitet. Pengene ble investert i infrastruktur, kaianlegg, dammer, broer, nasjonalparker, sykkelstier, parker og forskning. De ble lånt ut til statlige bedrifter, ny virksomhet innen skog, olje og turisme. Heldigvis ble noen penger også lånt ut til andre delstater i Canada. Etter ti år sto det bare 11 milliarder dollar på fondet, og ingen nye penger kom inn. I stedet bygget Alberta opp gjeld, og ingen følte at oljepengene hadde gitt dem store gleder." State? Canada does not have states. Alberta is a province in Canada, not a state. Canada is dived by 10 provinces, not by states as she writes. She states 11 millarder dollar, but is referring to Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, Jamacian or American dollars?
5) Nattbordet (Interview with Hans Ole Homelien, salgsagent, Madshus) 2008
In this interview, the interveiwee states: "Ellers var det en fyr som var voldsomt kjent i USA og Canada som ble kalt Snowshoe Thompson." In Canada?? This is not correct for Canada. Maybe some diehard skiiers in Canada know who he is, but this is not part of Canada's history, it is part of the USA's history. Snowsoe Thompson is not well known in Canada; maybe in the USA, but not in Canada. This was a Norwegian immigrant to the USA, not to Canada, that lived and worked in the American states of Nevada and California, and later became a U.S. citizen. These American states are over 2,000 km south of Canada, so how can he possibly be well known in Canada? What this man is saying is like a Canadian talking about a Canadian who went to Germany became well known in some part of Germany and is well known in Germany and Norway. How would that be possible? Snowshoe Thompson may be well known to skiiers in California, Nevada, and to most Americans for his contributions to skiing in the USA, but Canada is over 2,000 kilometres north of California. This interview is an example of many Norwegian just do not understand Canada and the Canadian experience, and seem to apply the Norwegian immigrants experiences in the USA to Canada. Canada's history of the development of the sport of skiing in Canada is not connected to Snowshoe Thompson, and most Canadians do not know who this man is because he is not partof Canadian history or the Canadian experience.
6) Ericsson verdens største på telekom (By Author not listed) 1 June 2003
In this story it states: "På annenplass lå amerikanske Nortel med 14,7 prosent og på tredje plass finske Nokia med 13,2 prosent, skriver databladet Computerworld Sweden." Canada's Nortel Networks is Canadian, not American as Computerworld Sweden and DN have written. Nortel comes from Canada, not from the USA.
7) Fjerner antidumping-toll (TDN Finans ) 1 July 2009
In this story the journalist writes: "Kina letter importen av avispapir fra Nord-Amerika, Canada og Sør-Korea." It seems a bit odd to write this, as Canada is located in North America. You could just write: "Kina letter importen av avispapir fra Nord-Amerika, og Sør-Korea."


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