Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Universitetsavisa) - 2 Stories
1) OL-gull viser apen i deg (Author Unknown) 18 August 2008
In this story the writer states: "Olaf Tufte feiret OL-gullet som en ape. I alle fall ifølge amerikanske forskere som har studert hvordan seierherrer oppfører seg....Det er forskere ved University of British Columbia og ved San Fransisco State University som har studert hvordan seirende olympiske utøvere nonverbalt viste sin glede" The University of British Columbia is located in the country of Canada, not in the USA, and they are not Americans as the writer states, they are Canadians. The study was done with the participation of two countries, not just the Americans as the writer states. The story should say: "Olaf Tufte feiret OL-gullet som en ape. I alle fall ifølge canadiske og amerikansk forskere som har studert hvordan seierherrer oppfører seg....Det er forskere ved University of British Columbia og ved San Fransisco State University som har studert hvordan seirende olympiske utøvere nonverbalt viste sin glede." Also, from another news source: "Dr Jessica Tracy, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia and lead author of the study, told the Los Angeles Times the athletes who lost may have been intentionally hiding their feelings because losing was so stigmatised in their cultures." The lead author of the story is from Canada, and the Canadian university so why is this is written as American, when Canadians are not Americans, and Canadians are part of the study. Why do the Canadians not get credit for being Canadian? If Norway is doing a joint study with Swedish or German universities, should a Canadian journalist write that Norwegians are Swedes or Germans? After contacting Universitetsavisa about the mistake, a reply was received stating: "...You are of course right, the term in the upper paragraph should have been"nordamerikanske forskere....", but no correction was made to the story. Amazing to acknowledge the mistake, but not to bother to make a correction. Why does it seem Canada and Canadians are treated less equal than Brits, Australians, and Americans so often in the Norwegian media? Is it so hard for some Norwegian journalists to accept Canadians for being Canadian?
2) NTNU går inn i skitten olje (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
By Audhild Skoglund og Tor H. Monsen - 26 September 2008
In this story the writer states: "Olaf Tufte feiret OL-gullet som en ape. I alle fall ifølge amerikanske forskere som har studert hvordan seierherrer oppfører seg....Det er forskere ved University of British Columbia og ved San Fransisco State University som har studert hvordan seirende olympiske utøvere nonverbalt viste sin glede" The University of British Columbia is located in the country of Canada, not in the USA, and they are not Americans as the writer states, they are Canadians. The study was done with the participation of two countries, not just the Americans as the writer states. The story should say: "Olaf Tufte feiret OL-gullet som en ape. I alle fall ifølge canadiske og amerikansk forskere som har studert hvordan seierherrer oppfører seg....Det er forskere ved University of British Columbia og ved San Fransisco State University som har studert hvordan seirende olympiske utøvere nonverbalt viste sin glede." Also, from another news source: "Dr Jessica Tracy, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia and lead author of the study, told the Los Angeles Times the athletes who lost may have been intentionally hiding their feelings because losing was so stigmatised in their cultures." The lead author of the story is from Canada, and the Canadian university so why is this is written as American, when Canadians are not Americans, and Canadians are part of the study. Why do the Canadians not get credit for being Canadian? If Norway is doing a joint study with Swedish or German universities, should a Canadian journalist write that Norwegians are Swedes or Germans? After contacting Universitetsavisa about the mistake, a reply was received stating: "...You are of course right, the term in the upper paragraph should have been"nordamerikanske forskere....", but no correction was made to the story. Amazing to acknowledge the mistake, but not to bother to make a correction. Why does it seem Canada and Canadians are treated less equal than Brits, Australians, and Americans so often in the Norwegian media? Is it so hard for some Norwegian journalists to accept Canadians for being Canadian?
2) NTNU går inn i skitten olje (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
By Audhild Skoglund og Tor H. Monsen - 26 September 2008
In this story, the writer states under the FAKTA heading: "Delstaten Alberta i Canada har en av de største forekomstene." The province of Alberta in Canada is a province, not a state as the writer indicates. Mexico and USA are the only two countries in North America with states, Canada has provinces, and has been using provinces since 1663, when Canada became a Royal Province of France
In this story, the writer states under the FAKTA heading: "Delstaten Alberta i Canada har en av de største forekomstene." The province of Alberta in Canada is a province, not a state as the writer indicates. Mexico and USA are the only two countries in North America with states, Canada has provinces, and has been using provinces since 1663, when Canada became a Royal Province of France