Camping Norge (Camping Norway) - 2 Stories
1) Canada i bobil: I gullgravernes fotspor (Anne-Vibeke Isaksen) 25 Sept. 2007
In this story the writer states: "De neste 56 kilometrene kjøres i British Colombia i Canada før man kjører inn i delstaten Yukon." First, the Canadian province of British Columbia is spelt "British Columbia", not "British Colombia" as the writer has written. Colombia is a country in South America. Second, the Yukon Territory is a territory in Canada, not a state as she has written. The Norwegian word for territory is "territorium" not delstat. Canada does not have "states" and has never has states. Canada is divided internally by 10 provinces and 3 territories. Territories do not have the same status in Canada as a Canadian province, and are below the level of a Canadian province.
2) Møte med en grizzly-bjørn (Anne-Vibeke Isaksen) 8 September 2006
This story about grizzly bears and Katmai National Park in Alaska has nothing to do with Canada, yet it is placed under Camping Norway's Canada heading. It should be under the USA heading, as Canada is not the focus of the story, nor mentioned in the story.
2) Møte med en grizzly-bjørn (Anne-Vibeke Isaksen) 8 September 2006
This story about grizzly bears and Katmai National Park in Alaska has nothing to do with Canada, yet it is placed under Camping Norway's Canada heading. It should be under the USA heading, as Canada is not the focus of the story, nor mentioned in the story.