ITavisen - 1 Story
1) Blackberry til Norge (Ida Oftebro) 16 October 2006
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes: "Amerikas avhengighetsskapende e-postmobil kommer til Norge" This is wrong; it should read: "Canadas avhengighetsskapende e-postmobil kommer til Norge" or "Nord-Amerikas avhengighetsskapende e-postmobil kommer til Norge." Blackberry comes from Canada, not from the USA. It's Canadian not American. Further on the story states: "Blackberry har vært en kjempesuksess i USA, og har for lenge siden blitt synonymt med den håndholdte e-postleseren. Siden lanseringen i 1997 er det solgt 5,5 millioner Blackberry-terminaler verden over. Nå kommer de til Europa." This should say: "Blackberry har vært en kjempesuksess i Canada, og har for lenge siden blitt synonymt med den håndholdte e-postleseren. Siden lanseringen i 1997 er det solgt 5,5 millioner Blackberry-terminaler verden over. Nå kommer de til Europa." Considering the Canadian company is now coming to Norway, it's easy to see how a Norwegian reader can get the impression that the Canadian phone and company RIM is American, and not Canadian. Sadly, not a single word of reference or credit to this Canadian success story being Canadian or from Canada is in this story, and so many other Norwegian stories related to this Canadian success story. There is not one indication in this story that this extremely successful Canadian product and technology, sought after by so many people worldwide is Canadian. The story doesn't need to be all about Canada, but, it is easy to see from the content of this story, as most Norwegian readers will do, that the product is American and from the USA. The point here is, if it's a Canadian success story, it should be reported as a Canadian success story. Should the Canadian press give the Swedes or Germans credit for Statoil, or NorskHydro when they are Norwegian companies? Is the nation of Canada, at 33 million people, larger than most countries in Europe, and the second largest country in the world in size after Russia, seen so irrelevant in the Norwegian media mindset? Even, when we produce one of the most successful products selling worldwide?