Telemarksavisa - 2 Stories

1) Dømt for nakenfoto han fikk av kjæreste (Tom Erik Holland)
2 January 2009
In this story about a Norwegian man charged by Canadian authorities entering Canada with child pornography there is a mistake made by the Norwegian journalist. He writes under FAKTA: "DØMT: 23-åringen ble tirsdag denne uken dømt til fengsel i 90 dager av Canadisk domstol i delstaten Manitoba." Canada does not have states, it is divided by provinces. Canada has been using provinces for 346 years since 1663 when Canada became a Royal Province of France. The Norwegian word for province is provins. How can readers trust the accuracy of what is written about Canada by Norwegian journalists, if so many Norwegian journalist can't even get the basic information about Canada correct (e.g. Canada has provinces - not states, Canada uses Canadian money - not USA money, Canada has a Prime Minister - not a president, etc.)? Manitoba in is a province located in the western part of Canada and not a state. The same story is linked below from a Canadian newspaper.
2) Holla Historielag (TORMOD HALVORSEN) 28 August 2009
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes: "Det blir kjøring i det vakre landskapet «Upstate New York», fram til Niagarafallene på den kanadiske siden i delstaten Ontario." State?? There are no states in Canada. This is not correct. To be correct it should say: "Det blir kjøring i det vakre landskapet «Upstate New York», fram til Niagarafallene på den kanadiske siden i provinsen Ontario." Canada does not have states, and has been using provinces for 346 years, since 1663, when Canada became a Royal Province of France. Mexico and the USA are the only two countries in North America with states.


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