Dagbladet - 16 Stories

1) Ned 8 kilo på «Super Size Me»-diett (Diana Badi) 2 March 2005
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes about a Canadian teacher that ate at McDonald's for 30 days and lost weight (copying the idea from the U.S. movie Super Size Me). In her story she writes: "Ifølge CBS News" reports on this story. This is not correct. To be correct, it should say, "Ifølge CBC News." The American Colombia Broadcasting System (CBS) is a foreign news media outlet from the USA, not from the country of Canada. The story she is reporting on is from Canada, is about a Canadian teacher, and is actually taken from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in Canada, not CBS in the USA. Norway has NRK, Britain has the BBC, Australia has the ABC, Canada has the CBC. Even after the Norwegian journalist reports on a Canadian story from a Canadian news source (CBC News) in her story she writes "Ifølge CBS News." How does it happen that a Canadian story quoted from a Canadian news source ends up being changed as quoted from an American news media source? Did she just assume we have CBS in Canada thinking Canada is part of the USA, or it must all be all the same here in North America? After emailing the Norwegian journalist she corrected the mistake in the story and wrote CBC News.
2) Spiller seg «fra gård og grunn» (HANS OLAV FEKJÆR
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes: "...er i alle delstatene i Canada og Australia og i mange delstater i USA. Behandling blir oftest finansiert ved avgift på spillene." This is not correct about Canada. The geographic and political divisions internally in Canada are called provinces and have been called provinces in Canada for 346 years, since 1663 when Canada became a Royal Province of France. The Norwegian word for province is "provins." In Canada, like China, Sri-Lanka, Afghanistan (and many other countries), the country is divided internally by ten provinces. There have never been states in Canada and this of course is a political division many Norwegian journalists just guess or assume must be used in Canada. But since Canada has never had states, why would the journalist would use the wrong term to describe a province in Canada? What is also clear from other Norwegian media reporting is that Norwegian journalists never seem to refer to the provinces in China, France, Afghanistan, (and other countries with provinces) as states. This habit of many Norwegian journalists seems to happen with just Canada for some reason? Is it because of ignorance, or just assuming that it must be the same for Canada because the other two countries in North America - Mexico and the USA have states? After e-mailing the Norwegian journalist about the mistake, a reply was never received and there has not been any correction to the mistake.
3) Menn er smartere enn kvinner (DIANA BADI) 13 Sept. 2006
In this story the journalist writes: "SAT er en nasjonal prøve som gjennomføres i slutten av den videregående opplæringen både i USA og Canada." This is not correct about universities in Canada, this is the USA's university experience, not Canada's. Universities in Canada do not require SAT tests for admission. Why would this journalist include Canada in with the USA school experience when this is not the case? Is this just a guess or assumption because Canada happens to be loctaed beside the USA in North America? Canada and the USA are two totally separate countries with different legal, political, linguistic, educational systems, and histories. The education system in Canada is Canadian, so why just guess or assume we do the same as in the USA? The university system in Canada is very different from the university system in the USA as well. If the journalist knew the difference, verified the facts, or at least just didn't guess, she would have not included Canada in with the USA in this story. Is it really so hard for so many Norwegian journalists to accept Canada is a different country? Here are some details that help to clarify the difference between the two countries. The following is taken from a Canadian website (Campus Access) for Canadians wanting to study in the USA:
"Comparing Canadian and US School Systems:
The most significant difference between American and Canadian schools is their ownership. Virtually all Canadian universities are public institutions; there exist a large number of private schools in the US. Almost all American schools that are religiously affiliated are also private. In terms of the application process, Canadian universities are generally thought to place a greater emphasis on your academic record - they don't request personal statements and they don't hold interviews, so your grades are the primary factor upon which they base their decisions. Scholarships are also typically awarded on the basis of academic success, and there are far fewer opportunities for financial aid in Canada. Athletes are not awarded the same status in Canada, either, and athletic scholarships do not exist at most Canadian institutions. Applications for schools in Canada are usually due much later than American applications, and admissions decisions are delivered much later consequently. There is also a major difference in the general mythology surrounding American and Canadian schools. It's true, though, that our pictures of these two cultures are formed largely through stereotypes which are not accurate reflections of many, if any, schools. Try not to base your vision of US college life on all the movies you've watched as a teenager. We'll go over this later, but this part of the reason why it is so important for you to try and visit the schools in which you are interested. For example, when we think of the typical social life at American schools, one of the first things that comes to mind is the fraternity and sorority scene - something which is largely absent from Canadian college and university life."These questions are taken from a U.S. website where non-Americans can ask questions about going to the USA to study:"Kate: I am the mum of a grade 12 daughter in a Canadian High School... you do need to take SATS. Try a local independent school if you are having trouble finding them given in your area- or search the www.collegeboard.com website for locations. If you are in a public school you need to know your counsellor may not be up-to-speed on the intricacies of applying to the States. Universities in the States look at much more than your academic averages, you must present fully all your extra-curricular activities. They also grade differently. I don't know what province you are in, but in BC, the 86-100 scale for an A is very comparable to the 93-100 A earned in the States, but it sounds easier to Americans. Your counsellor needs to explain this in his/her letter."Hope that helps! By George Iwama on Sunday, June 16, 2002 - 10:32 pm.
Where can I take the SATs in Atlantic Canada? GeorgeBy jessann on Monday, June 24, 2002 - 11:22 pm: Edit Hello I am Jessann from Ontario Canada, and in grade ten. I am 100% sure that I want to apply to an American college. I know that to even start to apply you have to take the SAT's and maybe even the ACT's. I have questions about that:-How can I take them in Canada?-Where can I take them?-Don't I need to know stuff about USA to take it?-Are there certain classes I have to take to complete it?-Can I take it twice?If these questions and maybe even more could be answered it would be greatly appreciated." The story has now been corrected.
4) Norsk ammunisjon går som ei kule (HARALD S. KLUNGTVEIT ) 3 April 2006
In this story there are two mistakes. First, it states: "I filmen blir salget av ammunisjon til USA, Australia og Canada knyttettil disse landenes krigføring i Irak." That is not correct. The gouvernement du Canada / Government of Canada did not send Canadian troops to Iraq. Taken from Radio-Canada / Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) 18 March 2003: "[Canadian Prime Minister] Chrétien said without the backing of the United Nations, Canada can't go along with any war initiative. 'If military action proceeds without a new resolution of the Security Council, Canada will not participate,' the prime minister said." In the second mistake the journalist writes: "Hele 60 prosent av Nammos omsetning på over 1,64 milliarder kroner skjer nå utenfor Skandinavia. 27 prosent er eksport til USA, mens også land som Singapore, Malaysia, Japan og Australia nyter godt av ammunisjon fra det norske konsernet. Utenlandsandelen har økt kraftig de siste årene." Actually the 27% of exports to the USA is wrong. The 27% the journalist writes is not just for the USA, but is actually the export totals for two countries - Canada and the USA. The USA was 426.8 MNOK, and Canada only a mere 9.8 MNOK. Why would the Norwegian journalist write 27% of exports go to just the USA when the NAMMO report indicates the 27% is for two countries - Canada and the USA? How does a story get published about Canada sending troops to Iraq when the Canadian Government did not send Canada's troops to Iraq? Is it guessing or assuming? The story has been corrected to remove the mistake about Canada sending troops, but the export reference still includes the mistake.
5) Har møtt Jesus (Author unknown) 22 September 2004
In this story two Canadian cultural icons are mentioned - Cirque du Soleil and Pamela Anderson. The story states: "franske teatertruppen Cirque de Soleil, skriver svenske Aftonbladet." The mistake here is that Cirque du Soleil (as it is correctly spelt, not "de" as in the Dagbladet and Aftonbladet stories) is Canadian. Cirque comes from the province du Québec in Canada. In Canada there are Canadians that are French speaking, and Canadians that are English speaking, and both languages are official in Canada. Cirque du Soleil comes from the French speaking part of Canada, and French speaking Canadians are almost double Norway's population, yet somehow this Canadian theatre troop gets referred to as being French. The correct term is Canadian or French-Canadian. An e-mail was sent to Dagbladet to correct the mistake, but a correction, nor a reply was ever received.
6) Sydney er verdens beste by (By HALVOR H. BYFUGLIEN) 25 October 2006
In this story the Norwegian journalists writes: "I Amerika for øvrig kommer Vancouver, Buenos Aires og San Miguel de Allende i Mexico best ut. Rio de Janeiro må ta til takke med en 10. plass." There are some confusing points to this statement. First, Vancouver, Buenos Aires, and San Miguel de Allende are not located in America, they are located in the "Americas" as the original Condé Nast Traveler article states. The reality is that, when using the word America in singular, to a Canadian, Briton, Norwegians, Americans, and most people in the world you are making reference to the USA, and the USA is pretty much the country that comes to mind when hearing the word. How many Norwegians or Britons, or Canadians think Canada or Peru or Brasil automatically when they hear "Amerika?" And how many Norwegians tell their friends they are "going to Amerika" when refering to a trip to Brasil, Bolivia, or Argentina? The British, Canadians, and most other countries refer to the two continents on this side of the Atlantic as either the "Americas" or "North America" and "South America" for a more detailed description. The two continents on this side of the Atlantic are huge, so writing "Amerika" is vague at best. Especially when Norwegians seem use this word all the time to refer to just the USA, and differentiate "America" from "South America," and oddly don't use the term enough for "North America." For example, when the U.S. President stands up and states "God Bless America" he's not asking God to bless all 42 odd countries on the two continents on this side of the Atlantic, he is specifically asking to bless the USA. In addition, which North America city of Vancouver does the Norwegian journalist mean? There are two cities called Vancouver on the west coast of North America, one in Canada, and the other in the USA. Here is the breakdown from the CNT story:"UNITED STATES
1.Vancouver (Canada) 82.22.Buenos Aires 80.03.San Miguel de Allende 79.83.Victoria, B.C. (Canada) 79.85.Quebec City (Canada) 79.36.Oaxaca, Mexico 76.37.Cuzco, Peru 75.78.Montreal (Canada) 74.69.Toronto (Canada) 70.310.Rio de Janeiro 69.4
Note, Canadian cities make up 50% of the cities ranked on the two continents on this side of the Atlantic Ocean, yet little recognition in the Norwegian story.
7) Vil gi Nobelpris til Dylan og Cohen (EIVIND KRISTENSEN) 10 Dec. 2006
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes that Canadian Leonard Cohen is from the USA. That is wrong. Leonard Cohen is Canadian, from the Canadian city of Montreal, the second largest city in Canada, and the second largest French speaking city in the world after Paris. Did this journalist just assume or guess he is American? After several e-mails to the Norwegian journalist a reply has never been received, and after even more time the mistake was corrected. But again, a reply was never received from the journalist regarding the mistake. It's unbelievable that getting simple recognition of such a famous Canadian to be recognised from Canada, and not the USA, takes some work and effort to be correctly recognised.
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes: "Det var krise i det amerikanske gruveselskapet Goldcorp Inc. Selskapets femti år gamle gullgruve i Red Lake, Ontario, produserte ikke nok gull." That is wrong. Goldcorp is a Canadian company, not American. And Red Lake, Ontario is located in Canada. Ontario is a province located in central Canada. How is it that company gets identified as being American when it's Canadian? If this was a story about a Colombian or Brasilian company, would it been identified as American? Is it guessing or assuming? Are facts not checked before they go to print? How is it in the Norwegian media that even with the facts presented clearly that Canadians, Canadian companies are often reported as American, or identified as being in the USA?
9) Schwarzenegger mot Bush (By Jon Birger Skjærseth) 25 June 2007
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes: "Nylig var han i Canada for å undertegne avtaler med statene Ontario og Britisk Colombia om strengere utslippskrav fra biler." The Canadian provinces of Ontario and British Columbia are provinces, not states as the journalist writes. As well, British Columbia is spelt "British Columbia" not "Colombia." After a few e-mails, the author writes back to say: "this mistake was made by me - I am deeply sorry for that. Thanks for letting me know, it will not happen again. Best wishes, Jon Birger Skjærseth." A very nice reply about the mistake in the story, but both Dagbladet and the author were unwilling to correct the error. They recognise there is a mistake, but are not willing to correct it.
10) Lofoten på pallen i stor øykåring (HALVOR H. BYFUGLIEN OG TORA MORSET)
31 October 2007
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes: "69. Salt Spring Island, Gulf Islands, USA." This is a mistake. Salt Spring Island and the Gulf Islands are located in Canada, not in the USA. The original American publication National Geographic correctly locates them in the Canadian province of British Columbia, but for some reason the Norwegian journalists either assumes or guesses British Columbia must be in the USA. This is an excellent example of how many in the Norwegian press just assume of guess about Canadian geography and take the liberty to locate Canadian islands, cities, etc. in the USA, even when the original story they are quoting from does not locate these Canadian places in the USA. Why so many assumptions and guesses about Canadian facts in the Norwegian press? After e-mailing the journalists an apology and correction was promptly made.
11) Skulle gjenforenes med mamma - drept av strømpistol (EILIV FRICH FLYDAL)
15 November 2007
In this very tragic Canadian story there are a couple of mistakes. The Norwegian reporter writes: "Det mest foruroligende var at én av politifolkene bruker kneet og beinet til å holde hodet hans på gulvet, sier mannen som filmet hendelsen, Paul Pritchard til CNN." This is wrong. In the American CNN story, Canadian Paul Pritchard said this to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), not CNN. The CNN story the Norwegian reporter quotes this from even states Paul Pritchard said these comments to the CBC. The Norwegian reporter has changed it to make it look like Paul Pritchard made these comments to CNN, not the CBC. It clearly states in the American CNN story - "Probably the most disturbing part is one of the officers uses his leg and his knee to pin his neck and his head to the ground," Pritchard told CBC News." Why is this Canadian fact change by the Norwegian reporter; from a Canadian news agency to an American news agency, even when CNN does not do this? Secondly: "Den avdødes mor sier til CBS at strømpistolene må avskaffes. - De må gjøre noe, fordi dette dreper, den dreper mennesker, sier Cisowski." She did not say this to CBS in the USA, she said this to the CBC in Canada. How can she have said this when CBS is a foreign news service from the USA and she is in Canada? As well, the CNN story clearly says she states this to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). In both these quotes the Norwegian journalist changes the Canadian CBC news agency to American CNN news agencies. From CNN: "The dead man's mother, Zofia Cisowski, told CBC News that Tasers should not be used by police" and "They should do something because that is a killer, a people killer." Does this journalist think the Canadian CBC is actually the American CBS and CNN? Even when the Americans use the correct Canadian reference, the Norwegian journalist has changed them to American references. See story #1 above for similar.
12) Portrettet - Stemmen fra dypet (By ALF MARIUS OPSAHL) 22 January 2008
In this story about Canadian musician Joni Mitchell the Norwegian journalist writes: "Født: 7. november 1943 i Macleod, Alberta, Canada." The name of the town she was born in is "Fort Macleod" not "Macleod" as the journalist writes.
13) Religiøse ord gjør oss generøse (VIVIAN SONGE) 30 July 2007
In this story the Canadian province of "British Colombia" is spelt wrong. The name of the Canadian province is "British Columbia" with a "u" not an "o." Colombia is a country located on the continent of South America.
14) Spiller seg «fra gård og grunn» (By HANS OLAV FEKJÆR) 16 September 2000
In this story the Norwegian journalist writes: "Etter hvert får vi trolig behandlingstilbud i alle fylker, slik det bl.a. er i alle delstatene i Canada og Australia og i mange delstater i USA. Behandling blir oftest finansiert ved avgift på spillene." This is not correct. Canada doe snot have states, and has never had states. Canada has been using provinces for 346 years since 1663, when Canada became a Royal Province of France. Mexico and the USA are the only two countries in North America with states. To be correct the story should say: "Etter hvert får vi trolig behandlingstilbud i alle fylker, slik det bl.a. er i alle provisene i Canada og Australia og i mange delstater i USA. Behandling blir oftest finansiert ved avgift på spillene."
15) Han vil lære deg å få alt du vil ha (MARIE L. KLEVE) 1 December 2008
In this story about Canadian author the Norwegian journalist writes: "(Dagbladet.no): Amerikanske Michael Losier har solgt i bøtter og spann av boka «Loven om tiltrekning» i USA og Canada, og nå klatrer den inn på boklista i Norge også." Michael Losier is Canadian and from Canada, not American as the journalist writes. All his initial success was in his home country of Canada in 2004, and his book has already been a Canadian best seller since 2004, and not distributed in the USA until 2006. To be correct the story should read: "(Dagbladet.no): Canadiske Michael Losier har solgt i bøtter og spann av boka «Loven om tiltrekning» i Canada, og nå klatrer den inn på boklista i Norge også." or "Canadiske Michael Losier har solgt i bøtter og spann av boka «Loven om tiltrekning» i Nord-Amerika, og nå klatrer den inn på boklista i Norge også." This story is an excellent example of how many in the Norwegian press either guess or assume tha nationality of Canadians is American, and even when they are very successful in their home country of Canada first, those details are not mentioned. It does not say on his official website he is American, and it in fact, it says he lives in Canada. Despite the fact he has been a Canadian Bestseller since 2004, all that gets mentioned is his success in the USA. (From his website: "September 2006, Victoria BC - Canadian best selling book hits US bookstores with four new chapters For avid fans of the Law of Attraction, Michael Losier needs no introduction. Losier's presence on the international self-help scene has catapulted since he officially began teaching the Law of Attraction via teleclasses in 1995. Now, almost a dozen years later, he has amassed a following of tens of thousands, has delivered countless live seminars and teleclasses, has seen his book become a Canadian national best seller (2004) and has justreleased a new edition with four new chapters. The latest book is now being circulated in US bookstores for the first time)." What this journalist has written would be like a Canadian journalist writing about a successful Norwegian author and writing he or she is German; from Germany and all about his or her success in Germany. Why would a Canadian identify a Norwegian author from Germany and his or her success in Germany and not from Norway? So why would a Norwegian journalist identify a Canadian from the USA, and his success in the USA? Do Norwegian journalists just guess or assume everything from the North America side of the Atlantic is from the USA.
16) Ekskona til Johan Olav Koss vil ta over Opel (ASBJØRN SVARSTAD) 27 May 2009
In this story about Canadian Belinda Stronach and the Canadian-Austrian company Magna International, the Norwegian journalist writes: "Men nå er plutselig både italienske Fiat og det østerrisk-amerikanske Magna International kommet på banen." This is wrong. Magna International is a Canadian-Austrian company, not Austrian-American as the Norwegian journalist writes. To be correct, it should say: "Men nå er plutselig både italienske Fiat og det østerrisk-canadiske Magna International kommet på banen." Frank Stronach immigrated to Canada in 1957, and became a success in Canada. His daughter, Belinda, was a Member of Parliament (M.P.) in the Canadian national parliament in Ottawa. The company is headquartered and based in the province of Ontario, in Canada, not in the USA. Belinda is Canadian, and the Norwegian Johan Olav Koss, her ex-husband, lives in Canada with his foundation Right to Play based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. How is it that withall this Canadian content, there's so little reference to Canada, and the company they built into such a success in Canada, is written as being from the wrong country - the USA? Why do so many Norwegian journalists think that everything on the Canadian side of the Atlantic must be from the USA? After five e-mails to DB, a reply has never been received, nor a correction to the mistake. How come just the Norwegian media has reported this Canadian company as American, when CBC, CTV, BBC, France, CNN, CBS, ABC has all refered to the company as Canadian?


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